With respect to the medical field, the condition of acidity has a very broad scope that covers a set of gastric symptoms. Burning sensation behind the sternum or in the upper abdomen considered to be the main symptom of acidity. The medical term for acidity is ‘Dyspepsia’. Homeopathic Remedies for acidity come without any side effects and are proved to be extremely effective in curing the patient from the effects of the acidity. All the homeopathic medicines for acidity are made from completely natural substances, which can be quite reassuring for a person suffering the severe acidity. Before you go any further to treat the acidity, it is very necessary to understand the causes of acidity. It is largely considered as a lifestyle disease while the regular binge eating habits. To understand this better, go through the following causes of acidity: 1. Unhealthy Eating Habits 2. Consuming foods like Spicy ...