homeopathy treatment Homeopathy treatment is a natural form of medicine based on the principle of symptom similarity. Homeopathic remedies are derived from natural sources and are diluted and potentized to make them safe. Homeopathy treatment , when taken from a professional homeopathy doctor, is usually safe and without any side effects. Homeopathic literature says that when a remedy, which covers your symptoms very well, is administered, it is able to affect a cure rapidly and gently, even of long standing and inveterate cases. How is homeopathy treatment given at the other song? At the “the other song” we synergize – treating, teaching and transforming as we believe in empathetic and holistic care at the core supplemented by our mission to spread the highest ideal of training to students by hands-on training so that they can help benefit numerous others by this knowledge. We hereby aim to give homeopathy treatment and continue spreading the best possible homeopathy...